Comedy takes a back seat, for now!

32188_BLOGJPG_20120309114144517So it’s been a while, and you may be asking what is the future of Wisecracking Comedy??

Well the truth is I don’t know, I would like to do more comedy shows some day, but it takes money, time, and then even more money, oh and did I forget to say money.  I will in time do another show but first I must make money to fund this little hobby business so I started a real business in the mean time.  Even that business is still getting going, I will keep you posted when I have more clear details to share.

Until then know that even though comedy is taking a back seat, I hope to try again sometime in 2014 if I can.

Went to a comedy show last night

So I went to a comedy show last night in Albert Lea, it was put on by Jeff Polis a local comedian and had hired 3 comedians including headliner Isaac Witty who was the headliner of my last show in Mankato. Last nights show had about 25 customers myself included, it was hardly a big crowd but it was a good show.

While the first two acts were not family friendly, it was funny. I enjoy going to stand up comedy shows, but I fear it is a dying business even Jeff announced after the show that he has been putting on 3 shows a year for the last 10 years, but he may not continue with such small crowds.

I have lived in Albert Lea for over 6 years and have been through before then and I never heard of his shows until after I did my first show here in Albert Lea. I know I heard a commercial for the Comedy Live event on 94-9 The Breeze, and I saw a flier at Kwik Trip but I don’t know how much they advertised.

While I love the idea of going to live stand up comedy shows, and I think putting them on is even cooler I know I won’t keep tilting at windmills for long. I don’t know maybe the idea of going out and having fun with your family is a thing of the past and I just need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Read more of my thoughts on my website

Then check out my campaign to raise money for more local comedy!